A New Gotham? by Rachel Jones
This month I have to thank Rachel Jones for sending me her views comparing Gotham in The Batman directed by Matt Reeves with the Nolanverse Gotham she has previously written about. Rachel writes: Spoiler free addendum to my paper on worldbuilding in the Nolanverse, included in Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing 2021) reflecting on The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves. The events of this film could quite easily play out in Nolan's Gotham. Wayne Tower is in the same place as the city centre, the dodgy mob bar is in the same location beneath an overpass. We also get the same broody, dark, steam-filled, and rainy Gotham which dominated the Nolanverse However this Gotham does have some differences. Focusing on Glasgow, rather than Manhattan, provides a more traditional, older looking city, in which historical events based around dynasties is more believable. Indeed, a revelation about Bruce's maternal family revea...