My Walk of Faith by island writer Valerie More


I first met Val on Shapinsay, about four or five years ago, at the Elwick Bookwrights writing group. She spoke with great enthusiasm about the memoir she was writing and I was keen to learn more about it. It therefore gives me great pleasure to share this blog from Valerie.

My Walk of Faith

by Val More

I really felt I wanted to share my experience of what recovering from an addiction is like, what my life was like leading up to it, and then how wonderful life can be after it.

I grew up on the beautiful island of Hoy. I have two wonderful sons and three grandchildren, who I'm very proud of, along with my daughter-in-law Deanna.

Looking back on my life, I have had lots of ups and downs, but it has made me into the person I am today. Writing this book has opened up a lot of old wounds, but on the whole I'm glad I have done it. I now live on the island of Shapinsay with my wonderful husband Andrew and our animals: Ben our collie dog, 3 cats, goats, turkeys, chickens and ducks - an idyllic life.

 I really hope my book helps even just one person believe that there is life after an addiction. My faith has helped me recover, but I don't want to preach to people, just let them know how it helped me. Thank you you for reading this and if you decided to buy my book, Bless You. 

Val More

Congratulations to Val for taking the plunge into having her book published. Val is on facebook should anyone want to get in touch to buy her book.


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